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A Job Analysis of the Certified Professional Ergonomists The purpose of this study is to describe the precise nature of the elementary
A Job Analysis of the Certified Professional Ergonomists The purpose of this study is to describe the precise nature of the elementary
A study on the role of ergonomics experts in industrial safety and health 표제지 국문요약 Abstract 목차 제1장 서론 14 1.
1. 왜 과학기술을 역사로서 공부해야 하는가? 2. 깊고 자세하게 3. 역사는 인간의 이야기다 참고문헌
표제지 목차 요약문 3 Ⅰ. 서론 29 1. 연구배경 및 필요성 30 2. 연구 목적 33 Ⅱ. 연구내용 및 방법 34 1
A Study on the Effectiveness of Legal Obligations on Reporting of Harmful Factors in Musculoskeletal Disease 본 논문은 근골격계
Historical Meaning through Technological Issues on Photography 사진이 발명된 계기에는 과학과 기술이 뿌리 깊게 자
(A)study on the defect appraisal system in apartment house 공동주택 하자관련소송은 증가추세에 있으며 정부(국토
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